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How to get the haircut you really want

How to get the haircut you really want

No matter how good the experience, the haircut is still the dealmaker or deal-breaker. When I go to a new salon for the first time, this is how I ensure I get the haircut I really want.


Dealing with Covid-19 and hair loss

Dealing with Covid-19 and hair loss

Many people report experiencing hair loss after they have had Covid-19. Here are some ways you can support your body as much as possible to repair and come back to homeostasis.


How to get healthy hair: 10 essential tips

How to get healthy hair: 10 essential tips

When your hair is healthy, it looks good. And when it looks good, you feel great. Here are our top 10 tips to keep your hair looking good and you feeling great all the time.


How do I know if my hair is damaged?

How do I know if my hair is damaged?

Like our own health, our hair can take a hit from time to time, so our guide to finding the best products for damaged hair will get your hair back on track. There are two types of damage that occur. The first is manageable and you can do something about; the second can be fatal for your hair.  


What does blonde hair need?

What does blonde hair need?

Regardless of whether your blonde is a naturally occurring phenomenon or it has had a little help along the way, blondes need a special maintenance routine to keep them looking and feeling incredible.